a new

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placemaking & occupier experience

To bring the Mailbox brand to life through the team that delivers the premium experience to those who live, work and play there.


Voice of the
Occupier Comms
Enlivenment Plan
Engagement Plan


Mixed Use

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Bewonder* developed a new CX strategy for The Mailbox which included occupier and colleague feedback surveys to identify customer experience and employee experience priorities. We also delivered an award-nominated customer experience training programme for the team, as well as a mystery experience audit to drive staff engagement and site presentation standards. Alongside this, a new occupier communications plan and an engagement and enlivenment programme were rolled out at the scheme.

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  • Employee NPS score increased by +43 in 12 months
  • Occupier NPS increased +6.5 in 12 months
  • Fully attended wellbeing programme with 90% customer satisfaction score
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